After a successful GradFest this past Saturday, Graduate Student Senate reconvened for their bi-weekly meeting Monday evening.
Senate President Tynita White, started off the meeting by informing the senate that a task force has been started to work on the pregnancy policy for graduate students that was discussed in the last meeting.
Molly Yanity, vice president for administration and finance, also discussed the budget for the remainder of the semester. “After gifting $300 to help bring the Holocaust exhibit to campus, our budget stands at $2,668.83. Let’s use it,” Yanity said.
Two of the main discussions of the meeting included graduate student housing and taking a stance on if student trustees should be able to vote.
A residential housing survey from last school year indicated graduate students are in need of housing, said Ed Gaither, vice president for committees and legislative affairs.
“247 graduate students responded to the survey and the majority were unsatisfied with the housing situation for grad students,” Gaither said.
The survey revealed a preference for a graduate-oriented community, housing in a residential neighborhood and a need for single bedroom apartments or non-roommate housing.
There will be plans in the future to explore availability for housing on-campus, as well as looking into data and information on the off-campus housing market, Gaither said.
Joel Newby, public administration representative, discussed student trustees and their right to vote on different resolutions. As of now, Amanda Roden and Allison Arnold are the two student trustees, which is a two-year term.
Although they cannot vote on resolutions, Newby said he believes the board considers their input valuable.
“We’re lucky,” Newby said. “At many universities, the board disregards any input the student trustees give. At least we have a voice.”
In order to help pass a resolution on whether GSS thinks student trustees should be able to vote, they plan to invite a current student trustee and a past student trustee to the next meeting.