After just one day on campus, most will realize that Baker University Center quickly becomes a student’s best friend.
Baker Center is the hub of Ohio University, and with its number of resources, students find themselves there almost as much as their own dorm room or Alden Library.
Baker is home to conference rooms and event spaces, support for students, food and comfortable study areas.
Students will find the Tech Depot on the first floor, a multicultural center on the second, student government offices on the third and even a post office and art gallery on the fourth, among other services and amenities along the
There’s always an event being offered — daily booths to stop by on the way through, concerts in The Front Room, movies in its theatre, guest lectures and exhibitions.
Here is a list of our favorite Baker resources:
One of Baker Center’s busiest places is The Front Room, a coffeehouse with Starbucks blend coffee, located on the fourth floor. The Front Room is a quick and convenient place to stop and pick up coffee on the way to class, or
grab a drink and study in the relaxing atmosphere.
“I like being able to have convenient, quality coffee on my way to class in the morning or between my afternoon classes,” said Kyle Rutherford, a sophomore studying strategic communication.
Another one of Baker’s most useful resources on the fourth floor is the Allen Student Help Center. Students can find support services that are designed to help improve academic performance by offering both advising and
academic assistance.
The third floor is home to student needs. It houses the Division of Student Affairs office and Student Senate offices. Whether seeking to speak with a student leader or administrator, the third floor is a place to voice both
opinions and concerns to the student body. Additionally, the senate offers free “blue books” for students required to have them for specific essay exams.
Also found on the third floor is OU’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center, which supports students of all orientations. There, students can find a haven with confidential support, resources, educational opportunities
and programs to promote social justice, among other services.
“It’s a really relaxed place to spend some extra time,” said Katelyn Lilly, a sophomore in University College. “Even though people are more accepting nowadays, it’s still nice to have a place to meet people that are like you, and the
center provides that for a lot of students. I’ve met a ton of my friends there.”
Baker Center’s first floor is often one of the busiest and is where OU’s own tech support is located. It offers computer assistance, has supplies and accessories for sale and is an authorized Apple retailer.
Baker is also a popular place for students to use their flex points. Flex points are accepted in Baker at The Front Room, or students can take a break from dining hall food and use them to grab a bite at the West 82 food court or enjoy the restaurant-style Latitude 39 on the first floor.
Baker Center is one of the first places new and prospective students go during visits to OU, and it will certainly be a place that they will frequently return to ... even if it’s just to ride the escalators.