Mothers-to-be might find it laborious to work around Ohio University’s parental leave benefits for faculty.
In response to a Faculty Senate request to address the problem, Executive Vice President and Provost Pam Benoit formed a task force that will arrange a new policy by February 2012.
“We are going to look at what other institutions have and create something that works for Ohio University,” said Betty Sindelar, an associate professor in OU’s School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences, who is leading the task force.
Last spring, Faculty Senate passed a resolution requesting immediate action on a policy that was comparable to those at other schools.
Benoit did not sign the resolution but rather formed a pregnancy task force to investigate OU’s policy and those at other schools.
“Inconsistent leave practices among faculty may also constitute gender discrimination, creating financial and professional inequalities for women,” the report said.
OU provides a three-month period of unpaid leave for both parents.
“Having support in parental leave is very important for young faculty,” Sindelar said.
OU’s policy allows employees who have worked continuously for a full year to take parental leave.
“In no case may the leave extend beyond three months from the date of birth or adoption,” OU’s Faculty Handbook said.
However, other universities such as Ohio State University and Miami University offer additional benefits.
Both schools provide six weeks of full paid leave for birthing mothers and three weeks of paid leave for new fathers. Ohio State’s policy also stipulates parents must have worked for a full year to receive this benefit.
Certain employees at the University of Cincinnati might qualify for up to six weeks of paid leave, while Dartmouth College, a private school in New Hampshire, offers up to eight weeks of paid leave for mothers and a two-week paid leave for a spouse of a new mother or an adoptive parent.
Miami and Ohio State both allow employees to request approval from their departments for more flexible return schedules.
Kent State University offers parental leave similar to OU’s based on the Family and Medical Leave Act.
All of the schools allow mothers to use vacation and sick time after the birth of a child.
“I’m very enthused about being on this committee,” Sindelar said. “It’s a good issue to delineate.”
Other members of OU’S task force include Andrew Escobedo, director of the English graduate program; Susanne Dietzel, director of the Women’s Center; Eleni Zulia, grant development coordinator; Linda Lonsinger, chief human resources officer; Brian Bridges, vice provost for Diversity, Access and Equity; Donna Goss, director of engagement and real estate management; Kathleen Sullivan, associate professor of political science; Laura Larson, assistant professor in the School of Art; Joseph Bianco, assistant professor in the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine; and Jody Lamb, associate professor and associate dean of the College of Fine Arts.