A nearly two-year-long legal battle came to a close last week as a local rental company dismissed its lawsuit against the city.
University Estates, Inc., filed a complaint against the city of Athens Aug. 28, 2009, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, because of the poor condition of University Estates Boulevard, according to court documents.
The rental company filed 10 charges and requested $25,000 in damages against the city, claiming poor conditions of an adjacent road decreased some of its properties’ values, according to court documents.
UE claimed the city of Athens should maintain the street because of a Planned-Unit-Development contract the city signed with the company.
UE also claimed that Athens City Council tried to buy land on University Estates Boulevard that belonged to UE without informing UE Company President Richard Conrad, according to court documents.
Last Wednesday, the court granted UE its motion to dismiss the charges without prejudice. The city opposed this dismissal, because the case being dismissed without prejudice means UE can re-file the lawsuit in the future.
City Council President Bill Bias declined to comment.