Prepare to combat the freshman 15. Not pounds — the 15 places to study for your finals.
1. Your room: If you like to study with the television on or music blaring, your room might be your best bet. In your room, you can set the environment to your preference.
2. Your friend’s room: If you need a study buddy and a friend who’s in the same class, head to his or her room. Just make sure you actually study instead of socializing.
3. Library: With seven floors to choose from, you can determine if you are a third-floor-quiet-area type or a second-floor-Café-Bibliotech type. Just find a spot and crack open the books. As an added bonus, the second floor will continue to be open 24 hours a day during finals week.
4. Ping: This study location requires some coordination and is done best with flash cards or notes. Pick a cardio machine and study while breaking a sweat.
5. Laundry room: Right before everyone is about to go home, no one is really doing laundry; so if you have dirty clothes, head to the laundry room. You are guaranteed a good hour and a half of studying in a weirdly calming environment.
6. Hallway: If your room is too distracting, walk outside your door (assuming your dorm hall has light traffic) so your attention won’t be swayed by much and you can start studying.
7. Home: Assuming you live close enough and your finals are near the end of the week, take a trip home. You can do tons of studying and get a good night’s rest in your own room. Just be sure not to get caught up in the distractions of home.
8. Outside: The weather might not cooperate with this one. However, if it does, find a bench and enjoy the environment around you. It will be nice to get some fresh air instead of staying inside.
9. Halls: Several different halls have various seating in their hallways. The seating’s comfy, and 10 minutes after the hour, the halls are relatively quiet with low activity. Walter and Grover seem to be favorites for many people.
10. SI sessions: Hopefully, you have been going to these all quarter. They are immensely helpful for information that you might have missed and can be a nice last minute review session.
11. Baker University Center: This is a great location because it has several different comfy chairs with attached desks. Each floor has something different to offer for your studying needs.
12. Coffee shops: Find your favorite one, grab a cup of coffee, pick a good spot and commence learning. Enjoy your clichéd collegiate study location.
13. Lounges: Residence halls have them for a reason, so why not utilize them? Chances are, other people will be in there studying as well, so get there early and grab a spot.
14. Dining halls: If you are eating alone, why not just flip through your review sheets while enjoying your fries?
15. On your way to the final: Not the most efficient way to study, but if there is a quick fact you want to check, now is the time. Just watch out for fellow pedestrians and try not to trip on the escalators.
You know the locations, and like the freshman 15, you might not use them all and you may gain a few more.
Get some rest, eat a good breakfast and good luck!
Mesha Baylis-Blalock is a freshman studying journalism and a columnist for The Post. Have a no. 16? E-mail Mesha at