Though they may come from different places and have different opinions, one thing Ohio University students seem to agree upon is their opinion of the red brick-style campus.
This is a gorgeous campus
said Pat Underwood, a freshman criminology major.
Nicole Dilley, a freshman in the University College, had a similar opinion. I just really like all the brick and all the trees and buildings and everything; it's just a great campus she said.
Dean of Students, Terry Hogan, said from an admissions perspective, the look of the campus provides a positive first impression and prompts students and families to investigate further about programs, faculty and majors.
It suggests to them that this might be a place worth checking so in that sense it's a huge asset for us both in terms of attracting more people on campus but also in terms of having the folks who are on the campus have a positive experience
he said.
Underwood said the style is appealing and looks good. It also adds to the sense of living in a small community. More than anything else, the look of the campus adds to the friendly feel of the university, he said.
If the whole university looked like Morton Hall
it just wouldn't be as pleasant
he said.
Dilley said the look of OU was one factor in her decision to attend. She also looked at New York University but did not like the campus because it was spread out and had no trees.
Underwood said he also prefers the look of OU to other schools.
I haven't seen a campus that looks as nice as this place
he said.
Hogan said he hears a few things routinely about the campus through meeting parents and students -
Dilley said.
The campus buildings have an older look even if they have been redone, Underwood said.
It just seems like an older
more scholarly place
he said.
The red brick-style of campus buildings is generally appealing and also contributes to the identity and distinctiveness of the campus.
You know it's an OU building if it's brick
Dilley said.