Letter to the Editor
I too read both Natalie Morales's article on the poor language choices of the LGBT office and the response by Eleni Zulia. Now, I say office because the chalking on the grounds are not written by everyone in the LGBT community; they are a precise choice by groups such as Swarm of Dykes and some members of the LGBT office.
As a supporter of the LGBT community myself, I fully agree with many of the points raised, such as gay/lesbian marriage should be legalized and same-sex partners should have equal access to protection under the law and partner benefits. However, when it comes to language use, I don't agree with Zulia's points.
As an African American, I feel that to agree with Zulia's points it would be like me writing, Hey NIGGER
come to a cultural fair at Lindley. Or, Have you hugged a COON today. To any half-reasonable mind, you can see how outrageous that would be. But Zulia would raise the point that I am just reclaiming the language.
Now I know what many of you are thinking, what about the use of nigga? Isn't that wrong also. To that I would reply, my belief on it is if you choose to use that word, use it with someone you know is comfortable with it. Don't throw it out there in the open and then say, Gee No one would mind because I'm reclaiming the word. Just like with the words, queer, homo, dyke, pussy, cock, etc. Using it with others who you know are at ease with that language usage is fine. It's not for everyone.