In the wake of the recent sexual assault cases reported, especially Professor Andrew Escobedo's sexual assault and harassment of English students, we, some of the concerned students, are rallying to demand that Ohio University take action to prevent sexual assault and harassment from happening in the future.
Our specific demands are as follows:
1. We demand that Andrew Escobedo
2. We demand that the university implement ongoing and continual consent training courses for all faculty and students (starting in the English department).
3. We demand that all mandatory reporters be required to undergo training for the trauma-informed, victim-centered handling of disclosures.
4. We demand that, in the future,
5. We demand Ohio University
Anika Holland is a senior studying English at Ohio University's Honors Tutorial College. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Have questions for F--kRapeCulture? Meet with them every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Women's Center.